Jobs in Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sitamarhi - Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad - Sashastra Seema Bal - Division of Agricultural Economics, ICAR-IARI, PUSA Campus, New Delhi
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sitamarhi
(A Unit of ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmer's Welfare, Govt. of India) Vill+Post:- Balha Madhushudan
Via:- Janakpur Road
Pupri, Distt: Sitamarhi (Bihar)-843320 Advt. No. KVK/STR-ADV-01/2022
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sitamarhi funded by ICAR, New Delhi & managed by reputed society Samta Seva Kendra, Chainpura, Janakpur Road, Pupri, Sitamarhi The application invites from eligible candidates for the following posts to be filled as per details given under 1. Subject Matter Specialist/T6- PB-3, Rs. 15600- 39100+ GP Rs. 5400/- Pay Level 10 (as per 7th CPC.) (i) S.M.S. Agricultural Extension - 01 (ii) S.M.S. Home Science - 01
(iii) S.M.S. Plant Protection-01
The last date for receipt of the application is 30 days from the date of advertisement. Note: For details log on- -on-carrier or- -on- recruit- ment
EN 20/69
Secretary Samta Seva Kendra
à¤ारत सरकार
Govt. of India
गृह मंत्रालय
Ministry of Home Affairs
महानिदेशालय, सशस्त्र सीमा बल
Employment News 13-19 August 2022
à¤ारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान (à¤ारतीय खनि विद्यापीठ), धनबाद Indian Institute of Technology
(Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
No. 411002/10/2022-NFR
2nd August, 2022
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad invites applications for the follo- wing post:
S. Name of the Post Category Pay & Age Limit & Number Level of Posts
1. Junior Coaching UR-01
Assistant (Badminton Coach) Age Limit 30 Years
Essential Educational Qualification & Experience
Junior Coaching Assistant (Badminton Coach) (a) Graduation in any subject and Diploma in coaching (minimum 55% marks in Diploma) from SANS-NIS or from any other recognized institution in the relevant sports. OR
For International sports persons: 10+2 and Diploma in coaching (minimum 55% marks in Diploma) from SAI NS-NIS or from any other recognized institution in the relevant sports and participation in any of the following
1. Olympic Games; 2. Senior World Championship; 3. Asian Games/Sr. Asian Championship:
4. Commonwealth Games/Sr. Commonwealth Champion- ship, 5. Youth Olympics
(b) Experience: Two years' experience in coaching of relevant sports in any recognized Institution/ Organization.
Important Note: The applicants must possess the essential educational qualifications and experience indicated above against the respective posts. Non-possession of essential require ments will lead to disqualification.
For complete details visit institute's website: The application is required to be submitted
online latest by 17.09.2022 using the Non-Faculty Recruitment module available on the link https:// login. EN 20/66 Registrar(Actg.)
Division of Agricultural Economics ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012
Online Interview
Directorate General, Sashastra Seema Bal An online interview through video conferencing for recruiting one Senior Research
पूर्वी खंड-5, रामाकृष्णा पुरम, नई दिल्ली-66
East Block-V, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 66
No. 315/RC/SSB/Advt/2020/3011 Dated 13 July, 2022 Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-A, copy enclosed) from eligible candidates for filing up the post of Dy. Inspector General (Communication) Group-'A' Gazetted, Combatised posts in Sashastra Seema Bal on deputation/re employment basis, as per the eligibility criteria given below.. Post, Pay Scale
and number of
Post:- Dy.
Eligibility criteria
Deputation:-(8) Officers of the Central Armed Police Forces Inspector General or State Police holding analogous posts in the level-13A of (Communication) the pay matrix (Rs. 131100-216600) on regular basis; and Level in the Pay (b) Possessing the following qualifications, namely:- matrix: (Should possess Degree in Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical Communication Engineering or Electronics from a recognized University or Institute or Associate Member of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineer or No. of Post: 02 Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers or equivalent or M.Sc in Electronics or Telecommunication or Information
(Rs. 131100-
Technology or Computer Science or equivalent from a recog- nized University or All India Council for Technical Education approved Institution, and
(ii) Should be Medical Category SHAPE- Note-1: The departmental candidates in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Similarly, depu- tationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion.
Note-2: The period of deputation including period of deputa- tion in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or other Organization or Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three yours
Note-3: The upper age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding fifty six years as on the closing date of receipt of application
For Ex-Servicemen-Deputation/Re-employment. Retired or released Armed Forces Officers who have held analogous post or equivalent rank in the Telecommunication service who are in the Medical Category SHAPE-I. Note: The Armed Forces Officers due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve within a period of one year, shall also be considered. Such officers shall be given deputation terms up to the date on which they are due for release or superannuation from the Armed Forces; thereafter they may continue on re-employment (Re-employment up to the age of superannuation with reference to the post in the organization.)
Fellow (SRF) under ICAR-NIAP Network Project titled," Production Systems Agri- business and Institutions", on temporary and contractual basis will be held in the Division of Agricultural Economics, ICAR-IARI, PUSA Campus, New Delhi-110 012 on 30-08-2022 at 10.30 AM. The details are as given below: Project Details Essential Qualification
& Emolument
Desirable Qualification
ICAR-NIAP Network Master degree in Agricultural Econo-Knowledge of quantita-
Project, Component-3 on Agricultural Market Intelligence and Commodity Outlook Position One SRF
mics/Dairy Economics/Fisheries Economics/Economics Agricultural Statistics/Statistics with 4 years/ 5 years of Bachelor degree. Candidates having post graduate degree with 3 years of Bachelor Duration-Upto 31st degree and 2 years Master degree March, 2023 should have NET qualifications and Emolument per month:
Rs.31,000+ HRA (as admissible)
2 years of research experience as mentioned in OM No. Edn JB/27/ 2014/HRD dated 13-07-2015 and OM No. Agril. Edn. 6/27/2014 HRD dt. 09-10-2015 of the Council and OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST dated 30-01-2019.
tive techniques/data management and analysis. Experience in the use of statistical software for dala
For details of the advertisement please visit website
EN 20/05
Asstt Admin Officer
2. Applications of willing and eligible officers may please be forwarded in the prescribed format (Annexure-A), in duplicate to the Commandant (Pers-11), Directorate General, Sashastra Seema Bal, East Block-V, R K Puram, New Delhi-110066 within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News'.
3. Incomplete applications will not be entertained. Applications received after closing date will not be accepted. Candidate, who are selected for the above post, will not be permitted to withdraw their name after selection.
4. The competent authority reserves the right for any amendment like curtailment / enhancement of vacancies, cancellation of the advertisement in whole or part thereof without assigning any reason.
5. During the period of deputation, the deputationist will be governed by SSB Act & Rules and other instructions issued from time to time by SSB for which necessary "option" will have to be exercised by the selected candidates.
6. The advertisement is also available on SSB website and
CBC 19114/11/0001/2223
Commandant (Rect) FHQ SSB New Delhi EN 20/53
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