New hard drive, with transfers at very low speed (solved)
recent times have appeared on the market a new Seagate hard drives or
Type Digital Western "Caviar Black", "Caviar Green" or "Caviar Blue"
(SATA 32MB or 64MB cache), which have high capacities Data Storage: 1TB,
1.5TB or 2TB.
Modern hard drives transfer data at a speed of 60 MB / s or more, but when these "modern" hard drives are an average of "1.5 MB / s" ends the patience of anyone, eg to copy 100GB to another hard disk, you can represent leave the PC on all night and into the next day (when they are ultra modern and very fast disks).
If simple tests are performed, all indicate no problems. For example scanning the surface of the hard disk itself Windows utility called "Error Checking" or software as "Tuneup Utilities", it can be ... one week checking the entire hard drive !!.
If "more serious" as the software called "HD Tune Pro", tests are done appear all SMART parameters (technical data are internal hard disk) as perfect and the disk is in perfect health.
But with "HD Tune Pro" an obvious fault shown, the speed is very slow. This is the result of a Western Digital 1.5TB disk. You can see how it goes very slow with transfers between 1.4 and 1.7 MB / s:
Apparently in China and Japan this is a fairly common problem, perhaps
because of errors in the translation affecting Windows or who knows. If you Google "WD 低速 病" appear hundreds of pages talking about the hard drives too slow.
The problem of low speed
The problem with these disks is that when connected to the PC have very low speeds and CPU consumption becomes very high, slowing the entire Windows to the point that when files on a disk are copied to the new, everything goes so slow that is exasperating.Modern hard drives transfer data at a speed of 60 MB / s or more, but when these "modern" hard drives are an average of "1.5 MB / s" ends the patience of anyone, eg to copy 100GB to another hard disk, you can represent leave the PC on all night and into the next day (when they are ultra modern and very fast disks).
If simple tests are performed, all indicate no problems. For example scanning the surface of the hard disk itself Windows utility called "Error Checking" or software as "Tuneup Utilities", it can be ... one week checking the entire hard drive !!.
If "more serious" as the software called "HD Tune Pro", tests are done appear all SMART parameters (technical data are internal hard disk) as perfect and the disk is in perfect health.
But with "HD Tune Pro" an obvious fault shown, the speed is very slow. This is the result of a Western Digital 1.5TB disk. You can see how it goes very slow with transfers between 1.4 and 1.7 MB / s:
After many tests, we found several solutions, so that if a solution does not work, try the other. Here we can see the image of the hard drive repaired. Despite the strange error in the area of 25 GB, the speed of the hard disk that we used for this article, has been multiplied by 100.Solution 1.
The steps we are very simple:- If you can set in your BIOS, try changing the hard disk configuration to ACHI, this forces you to use the DMA data transfers.
- If you can set in your BIOS, increases the minimum temperature alarm on your hard drive. For example if from 40 degrees is activated or deactivated something, increasing the temperature to 50 degrees.
- The most important and almost always works:
- Click on the "Start" button.
- Click on "Run".
- Type "regedit" (without the quotes).
- Search the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} \ 000x
- The last four digits should be 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, ....
- Go to each of these records and delete everything that has these values: MasterIdDataChecksum SlaveIdDataChecksum
- Restart the computer so that Windows can detect the DMA settings again.
Solution 2, if the above fails.
Change SATA port. To do this follow these steps:- Turn off the PC.
- Open the PC and look for the cable connecting the SATA hard disk with the system board (motherboard). Connect the cable to another connector on the motherboard.
- If necessary, set the BIOS to recognize the hard drive.
- Turn on the PC.
- Te message detection software will appear and if all goes well you will see the typical message "new hardware installed correctly" or a similar message. All right!
Solution 3, if the above fails.
If all else fails, you could try the driver. You have to force Windows to reinstall the hard disk driver. The steps for Windows XP are:- Button Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, Windows Seach, click it Right, Stop, Properties, Off.
- Button Start, All Programs, Start, right-click on Start, delete.
- Open any folder, enter the "My Computer" folder to see the hard disk. Right-click over the hard drive and click on properties. There click to deselect the "Allow indexing ..." (or similar) option.
- Click OK, select "Apply changes to the folder and subfolders. SI error messages should ignore. And this is it, this latter process takes too long in some cases, it takes patience.
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