JULY 18 th Wednesday is Karkitaka Vavu .. Let us remember our forefathers .Please Read below mentioned written, and attached by our respected Guruji Dr.N. Gopalkrishnan.
May I request you all, (whether you are Hindu, Christian, Muslim or atheist) to chant this mantra and offer little flower, water and a sincere devoted prayer on July 18 th for your forefathers who gave you your body and life. They gave you the opportunity to come to this world and enjoy. Wherever you are, which ever part of the world you are chant this mantra and silently pray for a minimum five minutes
Manthra and its meaning for the pithru tharpana to be held on 18th 0f July, during Karkitaka vavu/new moon day (karkitaka amaavasy)
Aabrahmano ye pitru vamsa jaathaa maathu thaththaa vamsa bhavaa madeeyaa:
Vamsa dwayesmin mama daasa bhootha bruthyaa thathiva aasritha sevakaascha
Mithraani sakhya pasavascha vruskshaa drushttaascha adrushtaascha kruthopakaara
Janmaanthare ye mama sangathaascha thebhya swayam pinda balim dadaami
Maathru vamsey mruthaaayescha pithruvamse thathaiva cha
Guru swasura bandhoonaam ye chaanye baandhvaa mruthaa
Ye may kule luptha pindaa putra daara vivarjitha
Kriyaa lopa hathaaschaiva jaathyanthaa pankavasthathaa
Viroopaa aamagarbhaascha jnaathaa ajnaathaa kule mama
Bhoomou datthena balinaa thrupthaayaanthu paraam gathim
Atheetha kula koteenaam saptha dweepa nivaaseenaam
Praaneenaam udakam dattham akshayyam upthishtathu
Meaning of the above manthra
In this world thoe who were borne in the clan of my father and mother
And all those who are related to me directly or indirectly
Those who were my servants for the last two janmas
All those who served and helped me and depended on me
All those who were my friends and associates
All those plants and animals whom I depended for my life
All those who supported me directly or indirectly
All those who associated with me for the past many janmas
For all of them I myself offer this panda, flower and water and prayer
For all those who passed away from the kula of my mother
And also from the kula of my father, gurus, relatives and in laws
For all those who were not fortunate to receive the panda in the past
For all those who suffered without the support of wife/husband and children
For all those who could not do good to others due to many reasons
For all those who were borne, lived and died in poverty
For all those who were ugly and also who died prematurely
For all those who died in the womb of mother without seeing the world
For all known and unknown relatives of mine lived and died
For them too I offer this prayer , pinda , water and gingely with tulasi
I offer all these on this earth for making them immortal and happy in their own world
For all those who were living and for all the living creatures and living beings
Existed /lived on the seven continents for many million years
I offer this pinda and water for the happiness of their soul to rest in peace
Let them be happy in their own world blessing the world
Let me offer once again a drop of water to you Oh ! my forefathers !
Inform your friends , relatives and all those who are connected with you to come and experience doing the pithru smarana in the spiritual research centre of Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage, Mazhuvanchery Mahadeva Temple, at Mazhuvanchery, near Kechery, in the Highway side to Trissur- Guruvayoor/Kunnamkulam on 18 th July 2012 from 6.00 am to 11.30 am ( each batch 35 minutes)
I myself ( Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan ) will be leading this pithru karma by explaining the meaning and messages of each part of the aachara. If not possible to come to this place, we shall send you the brochure which explains the ritual. Perform the ritual wherever you are with your family , friends and devotees or yourself.
Pre registration or pre information is not needed, you can come to the temple after taking bath from your home)
Let this be performed in all temples, churches and mosques too at least in India, because remembering our forefathers is the mission of all religion.
If possible previous day (July 17th) eat only little food / wheat based food as vratham for doing pithrukarma on 18th July 2012
Where ever deergham is to be used in pronunciation, the vowels are used twice here. Read the Sanskrit line few times so that correct pronunciation will automatically come. Any mistake occurred while doing do not worry, be sincere and do with all concentration. Let someone read it for you when you perform the karma, which will be better
Purpose of doing pithrukarma
Indian culture and civilization is the only one, which survived for the last not less than 10,000 years and it is due exclusively to the family relation, and social bondage we maintained during this period. Pithru karma is not merely for the parents it is for one and alls who has associated with us in this janma and past many janmas and also those who are connected with us directly indirectly. What we offer to our forefathers and all those who were responsible for our existence to on this earth cannot be explained but merely physical words. ( as you know we remember many heroes, including Krishna, Jesus, Prophet , and conduct many ritual on their birth day and anniversary, not thinking that they are seeing all these and taking our offerings, but it is our homage to them as they are responsible in many ways for us in getting a useful experience in our life.
The abstract of the rituals is enclosed as requested many people perform the way possible without violating the rules of the country where you are working.
All that is needed a little thulasi, karuka (durva) , darbha/ kusa (mermooda grass) , a glass water with spoon, chandan/ sandal wood paste, gingely /sesame / ellu, little cooked rice and non cooked rice..
Procedure: Put a little raw rice in the glass of water and pray –
gange cha yamune chaiva godaavari saraswati narmade sindhu kaaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru (I perform the pinda karma using the wter ofseven holy river of bhaarath)
Take little water in your right hand and spray on the ground where you are sitting and make a circular mandala and put the darbha keeping the pointed ends towards south and north chanting this mantra, spared about ten pieces of 10 cms long darbha on the mandala
Ayodhya madhura maaya kaasi kaaanchi avanthika puri dwaaraavati chaiva saptha ethey moksha daayaka I I perform this pithru tharpanam remembering seven holy cities of Bhaarath)
Take a small quantity of gingely, tulasi, durva grass , hold in both hands, lift the hands a little high as though you are doing aavaahanam and pray as follows after the mantra put the materials in the bottom corner of the dharbha put in the mandala
Vasu rudra aaditya swaroopaan, mama vams'a thraya ubhaya kula pitroon, dhyaayaami , aavaahayaami, asmin koorcha mole sthaapayaami, poojayaami
(where ever deergham is to be pronounced, in the mantra there double vowels are given).
Now you have invited (aavaahanam done) your three generations of forefathers with gingely and tulasi and have told them to be on the darbha and you have to do the pooja as follows
Chant repeatedly Om Namo Naaraayanaaya ( If you are a Christian or Muslim chant which ever you feel god) and offer three times, first water, then tulasi, then chandan /sandal wood paste, then water and silently pray for five second .
Now we have to invite our great grand forefathers known as aadi puthrus who were there beyond the three generations back. Chant the following mantra and hold tulasi, gingely, durva/karuka with chandan and water a few drops in your hand, split the materials into two and hold in two hand and raise your hands above the shoulder level as you are inviting the great rant forefathers from the sky.
Aadiputhrubhyo nama aadi pithroon, dhyaayaaami avaahayami asmin koorcha madhye sthaapayaami poojayaami – place the material together in the middle of the dharba , kept on the mandala.
Repeat the pooja as mentioned above chanting Om Namo Narayanaaya repeatedly and offer three times each water, chandan, tulasi, rice and again thrice water.
(Now two levels of forefathers and ancestors and invited for receiving our offering on the dharbha / kusa grass.
Take two thirds of the cooked rice in your hand and make it a ppinda in spherical shape chanting this mantra
Devathaabhya pithrubhyascha mahaa yogeebhya eva cha
Nama swadhaayai swaahaayay Nithyameva namo nama:
Tilodakam cha pindam cha pithroonaam parithushtaye
Samarpayaami bhakthya praarthayaami praseeda may
Put the pinda with reverence on the center of the darbha .
Now the pooja for the pinda (pinda pooja is performed)
Chant as mentioned above Om Namo Naaraayanaaya repeatedly and slowly offer three times bit water in drops, flowers, gingly, chandan, as many white flowers as possible if available and then again thrice water drops.
The prayer is given earlier through pdf format in Malayalam and Sanskrit script /devanagari script
Aabrahmano ye pithru vamsa jaathaa maatru thathaa vamsa bhava madheeya till the end………….continue the mantra
At the end of the mantra take the remaining part of the cooked rice mix with few drops of water and put around the pinda and pray for a minute or so remembering the face of your mother/father /forefathers whomsoever you can remember.
After the prayer once more give a little water chanting the mantra
avasaaneeya arghyamidam
Now pithru tharpanam. For each tharpanam give few drops of water with your right palm taking the spoon of water in the left hand . Let someone chant this and you only repeat.
Tharpanam to the natural divine forces and energy (once)
Agni thrupyathu devaa: trupyanthu
vedaa: thrupytanthu Siddhaa: thrupyanthu
Rushaya: thrupyathu saadhyaa: thrupyanthu
Gaava: thrupyanthu naagaa: thrupyanthu
gayathri thrupyathu vyaahruthaya thrupyathu
vashatkaara thrupyathu anthareeksham thrupyathu
ahoratraani thrupyanthu samudra: thrupyathu
nadhya: thrupyanthu giraya; thrupyathu
parvathaa: thrupyathu
Where plural comes thrupyaNthu for singular thrupyathu)
Tharpanam to our gurus (twice)
S'atharchina thrupyathu thrupyathu
Gruthsamadha thrupyathu thrupyathu
Vasishta thrupyathu thrupyathu
Vyaasa thrupyathu thrupyathu
Sanaka thrupyathu thrupyathu
Sanaanthana thrupyathu thrupyathu
Sanalkumaara thrupyathu thrupyathu
Kapila thrupyathu thrupyathu
Bharadwaaja thrupyathu thrupyathu
Athri thrupyathu thrupyathu
Aathreya thrupyathu thrupyathu
Tharpanam to our great achaaryaas (three times)
Sumanthu-jaimini-vaisampaayana- paila –soothrakaara – bhaashyakaara – ramaayana – mahabhaaratha – dharmachaaryaa: thrupyanthu thrupyanthu thrupyanthu (in one line)
Jaananthi – bhaahavi- gargya - gouthama -bhabravya- maandavya – maandukeya thrupyanthu thrupyathu thrupynathu (in one line)
Kaholam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Kousheethakeem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Aithareyam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Mahaithareyam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
S'ounakam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
S'aakalam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Bhaashkalam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Saankhyaayanam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Aaswalaayanam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Bhouddhayanam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Aapasthambam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Pingalam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Yaaskam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
Ye cha anye aachaaryaa: tey sarvey thrupyanthu thrupyathu thrupyanthu
To our parents and relatives ( if and only if they are no more /if they have passed away – offer this tharpana carefully)
Pitharam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (father)
Pithaamaham tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (grand father)
Pithruprapithaamaham tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (great grand father)
Pithaamaheem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (grand mother paternal mother )
Prapithamaheem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (great grand paternal mother)
Maatharam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (mother)
Maathamaham tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (grand maternal father)
Maathrupithaamaham tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (great grand maternal father)
Mathamaheem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami ( great material mother)
Mathru pithaamaheem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (great grand maternal mother)
Putru brathram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (fathers's brother)
That patneem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (his wife)
That puthram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (his children)
Pithru bhagineem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (father's sister)
That bharthaaram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (her husband)
That putram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (her children)
Maathulam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (mother's brother)
Thath patneem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (his wife)
Tah putram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (His children)
Maathru bhagineem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (mother's sister)
That bharthaaram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (her husband)
That putram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (her children)
Aathma patneem / aathma bharthaaram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
(own wife /husband)
Aathma braatharam tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (own brother)
Tath patneem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (his wife)
Tath putram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (his children)
Aathma bhagineem tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (own sister)
That bharthaaram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (brother in law)
That putram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (his children)
Aathma putram tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami (own children)
Jnaatha ajnaatha ubhaya kula vamsa dwaya pithroon
tharpayaami tharpayaami tharpayaami
All those who got birth in my clan / kula, who remain known or unknown to all of them
Once this tharpanam is over, take the pinda in your right hand and put back chanting a line idam pindam gayaarpitho asthu (let this pinda be offered to Gaya)
The last prayer
Kaayena vaacha manasaa indriyairvaa budhyaatmanaa vaa prakrutey swabhaavaa karo yadhyath sakalam parasmai naaraayanaayeti samarpayaami
Offer a flower to god and take a bit of gingely from where the pinda was kept and put it to the glass of water and pray – swargam gaccha swa
Never violate the rules of the country where you work.
(Ph. 04885-240236 / 04885-272749 /09446361149 /09447097407 /09447081070 / 9847310663 / nhcmazhuvanchery@gmail.com
(Address : Director, National Heritage Centre, Mazhuvanchery, Near Kechery,
Trissur 680 501 )
Kindly spread the message to one and all
SPECIAL INFORMATION :1. All the arrangements are being made for the successful conducting of Karkitaka vaavu pithru smarana on wednesday 18th July 2012 in Mazhuvanchery Mahadeva Temle, of IISH with accommodation facility for July 17 th evening. Those who would like to involve in the programs as volunteers may kindly contact. We welcome your involvement in Karkitaka vavu pitru karma. Send the
nakshatra and month of those who have passed away (if you are not in a
position to do the pitru karma by yourself for them). Your full address +
phone number are needed for sending the prasadam also. If you want to
contribute towards this (which will be used for distributing monthly
support / help to poor homes) may kindly see the procedure in
www.iish.org . the details should be sent to nhcmazhuvanchery@gmail.com
and a copy to iishservice1@gmail.com
nakshatra and month of those who have passed away (if you are not in a
position to do the pitru karma by yourself for them). Your full address +
phone number are needed for sending the prasadam also. If you want to
contribute towards this (which will be used for distributing monthly
support / help to poor homes) may kindly see the procedure in
www.iish.org . the details should be sent to nhcmazhuvanchery@gmail.com
and a copy to iishservice1@gmail.com
With pranams !
Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan,
M. A.; M.Sc.;Ph.D.; D.Litt.;
Director, IISH
Bagavad Gita chapter 6 sloka 5
uddhared âtmanâtmânam
nâtmânam avasâdayet
âtmaiva hy âtmano bandhur
âtmaiva ripur âtmanah
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