90 first days and 9 rules
College or campus life for
everybody has a uniqueness about it. It varies for individuals, based on
their personalities, traits, talent and other attributes that lead to
all sorts of experiences and learning. Till the interview process, life
pretty much remains the same unique and uncomplicated. But, the first
step into the first corporate office and the biggest noticeable
difference is that everybody is the same with the same environment and
behavioural experiences.Suddenly , pressures seem to get heavy ,
deadlines mount and making friends is not that easy anymore. While there
are no exams as such, everyday and every moment is a test of skills and
personality on the whole. This transition can be very difficult to
adapt to.However, planning in advance for the transition by taking into
account one's personal goals and ambitions can help to make the process
smooth and cope with the stress. While this might sound very difficult,
it boils down to good planning and certain simple rules that are
applicable for each and everybody .
Interestingly , the
first 90 days of any transition in the corporate world are the most
crucial for a professional. It is the make or break phase. As a fresher,
it is important to be careful about basic etiquette such as punctuality
, listening and observing capabilities, following professional
ethics, sticking to deadlines and readiness to learn. Professional
ethics entails simple aspects of the corporate culture; for instance, do
not barge into the employer's room as you would do with a friend or
even a teacher.Also, avoid office gossip or politics at all costs. And
if you do happen to be present in a gossip conversation, better listen
than offer a point of view.
Here, a few strategic rules that can help you not
only adapt to the job but also stand out as a suitable and well-groomed professional:
1. Develop the right attitude: The right attitude for a young
professional is to be optimistic at all times. This motivates you to
face the demanding environment and career challenges.Impervious to the
surrounding pressures, your attitude should be to keep moving forward
and tackle any obstacles en route;
2. Limit expectations:
Negativity or disappointment sets in when we over-expect. Do not
over-expect from the job profile, remuneration or other
responsibilities. This is the difference between success and setbacks;
Make a good first impression: Unlike in college, first
impressions matter a lot in an organisation. It determines how your
future work relationship with the concerned individual would be and in
an organisation, you don't get enough time to set things right later.
Traits of dedica
tion and accountability in the course of work would help in achieving
4. Build cordial relationships: Ultimately , it is
about people you deal with in the corporate world who have also been or
are in the same shoes as you. Therefore, it is necessary to build empa
thetic and intuitive relationships with superiors, peers and other
5. Be a good follower: As a fresher, one needs
to be a good team player, adhere to the rules and regulations and learn fast;
Explore the culture: Work cultures differ with organisations.
Utilising the first few days to understand the culture, the people, the
scope of the organisation and how the business works will help you
become a knowledgeable and mature professional in the future;
Develop work expertise: An absolute necessity is to master the
skills and knowledge on what you have been hired for as ultimately it
allboils down to work;
8. Build up organisational
understanding: Developing a better know-how of the organisation helps in
getting more connected and becoming an important part of the team. It
helps in having meaningful conversations in the office that portray your
9. Be professional: A professional is not
only determined by technical skills or knowledge base, but also the
ability to stay focused and emotionally
stable at all times. The stress or complexity of the situation
should have no bearing on the behaviour of the per son. Fresher
employees displaying such profes sionalism are sure to score an ace
among peers and superiors.
Being a newcomer, one's career
begins with learning new things and plugging the gap between tech
nical skills and soft skills. Making this transition successful is a
very exciting and landmark step in life that warrants ut
most care.
The author is senior VP, talent management, ITC Infotech

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